The dreadful frizz! But, do you know where it can bug you and ruin your hairstyles the most? The top part of the head! It’s frustrating and it’s really brittle. If you’re wondering why this happens, then here are some top reasons. We have mentioned things you need to avoid to prevent frizzy hair. However, if you want permanently straight hair, visit a Brazilian blowout salon.

Your Hair Loves Heat

If you’re frustrated with frizz, especially on the top layer of your hair, then it may be because your hair loves the heat… from heating tools. If you’re guilty of styling your hair on a daily basis and you’re not conditioning it or restoring the heat damage, then it’s safe to say that your hair will turn into a blowout of frizz and that’s not fashionable at all.

If you want frizz to be a no-show, then you need to tone it down when it comes to using heat tools. There are so many different ways to style your hair that won’t hit your hair with a damage train, so do some internet browsing and find heatless hairstyles that will save the day and your hair.

Once you pump the brakes on heating tools you’ll see the difference for yourself and you’ll fall in love with the way your hair looks.

Chemical Exposure

Do you dye your hair regularly? Are you a fan of temporary hair dyes? If your answers are “yes”, then frizz is expected on the hair. Your hair is not meant to be exposed to chemicals, hair dyes, and parabens on a daily basis. It can really mess with the hair health and frizz will be enormous.

If you want your hair to look healthy and not like a rough mess, then you need to give your hair time to recuperate. This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever dye your hair again, but understanding the need to give your hair a break from all that harmful chemical exposure is crucial.

It Is What It Is

It’s time for a quick science class. Theoretically and literally, the topmost layer of your hair is the one that’s most susceptible to damage. The reason is pretty obvious. It’s because it’s the most exposed layer of your hair and the follicles can get the most sun, chemical, chlorine, and damage exposure, hence leading to a lot of frizz production.

Frizz is essentially a sign that something is wrong with your hair, so if it starts to show too much, you need to look out for what you’re doing wrong. If you don’t do anything about it, then even an amazing balayage or highlights from a balayage salon Potomac won’t look as good due to the frizz.

Too Much Sun

Sun exposure is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean that your hair has to succumb to the damage of the ball of fire. If you stay outdoors a lot, because of your work or school, then you need to protect your hair from the UV rays. Yes, you heard that right.

The temperature isn’t the only thing to protect your hair from. Wearing your hair up and covering the top part of your head with a scarf or cap will be enough and you won’t fall victim to the pesky frizz attack.

You’re Not Using Conditioner

This is also something that needs to be addressed if you’re dealing with a lot of frizz. Sure, all of the things like sun and chemical exposure, heat use, etc. can be avoided, but you also need to condition your hair on a daily basis, if you want soft and sleek hair. This is where a lot of women will be guilty because they tend to leave conditioner out of the hair care routine and hope for the best. This is not the way to go about it.

Use a conditioner because it’s a lifesaver in the shower, and if you can, get your hands on a leave-in conditioner as well.

Oils Are Not A Part Of Your Routine

This is another thing that you might conveniently forget about. Oiling your hair is a must if you want frizz to go away for good and making it a habit is even more crucial. It doesn’t take much time to massage your scalp and hair with a nourishing and thick oil. You can amp up the effects of the oil with a hot oil massage too.

All you need to do is nuke the oil in the microwave for about 15 to 30 seconds and apply the lukewarm oil to the length of the hair and scalp. Let it sit for at least an hour before washing it off and you’ll see the difference.

Say Yes To Less Showers

Showering is a must, but too much of anything will do more bad than good for your mane. If you’re someone who washes their hair every single day, without a break, then obviously frizz will be a problem.

You don’t want to wash your hair too much, because washing it can lead to stripping of the natural oils in the hair, and that can lead to even more frizz. So, try to limit washing your hair.

Opt For Cold Showers

Scalding hot water isn’t going to nourish your hair, rather it will do the complete opposite. Hot showers sound tempting and they are, but they’re anything but for the mane. Hot water tends to shock the hair and frizz sticks out like a sore thumb.

So, to control the dryness on the top layer of your hair, you need to turn the temperature down and switch to cold showers. They are literally life-changing for the hair and you’ll love the shine they impart.

No Blow Dryers

Frizz can be caused by blow dryers too. Blow dryers pump out heat and air with a huge gust and this manipulation can actually lead to frizz. If you already have dry and damaged hair, then it’s best that you don’t use a blow dryer on a regular basis otherwise your hair will take the brunt of the damage.

Instead, let the hair air-dry and you’ll see how shiny and damage-free the tresses will be. If you really want to blow dry your hair, then point the nozzle downwards instead of towards the ceiling to tame down any flyaways.

Acidity In The Hair – What Is That?

Did you know that frizz can occur because of acidity? If you’re confused, then don’t be, because it’s a really simple concept that doesn’t require you to be a chem geek. A lot of shampoos have pH levels less than 7. These are acidic and once you apply the shampoo, you’ll see that the acid leads to static build-up and, ultimately, frizz.

To combat, neutralize the pH of the shampoo. Using an alkaline shampoo will eliminate frizz and when it’s backed up by science, you know that it will work like a charm.


Frizz is generally quite overbearing, but when it meddles with your everyday hairstyles and turns the top layer of your head into a frizzy mess, then it’s a huge issue. Luckily, now you know why it happens. Visit a Japanese hair straightening salon Potomac to get super straight hair until they grow out.

Topics #Brazilian blowout salon #frizzy hair #frizzy hair causes #Japanese hair straightening salon #prevent frizzy hair #top layer of the hair is frizzy