So, you’ve finally decided on a date for your big day, and now is the time to hit the drawing board and plan the perfect wedding by hiring vendors and wedding tent rentals. But how do you keep the stress away and enjoy the process? Here are some tips that might help.

Have Everything Organized

Nothing defines stress more than clutter. Of course, wedding planning is a huge cluster of ideas and things to get done in your brain. But that’s not going to help you get anywhere. It’s important that you remain organized throughout the wedding planning process, because there’s nothing worse than forgetting the most important things during wedding planning, just because you haven’t organized your thoughts and things, based on priority.

Being organized is going to help you breeze through this process and you’ll be planning a spectacular wedding in no time.

Start Early

In the case of wedding planning, the saying “the early bird gets the worm” applies perfectly. There’s nothing worse than starting late and then not having enough time to get everything done. You want to start wedding planning around the time of your engagement. That’s not to say that you’re being obsessive, rather you will get things done on time and you won’t go into a deep abyss of stress and worry, just because you don’t have time on your hands.

So, if you’re someone who tends to get worried easily, especially about planning things, then it’s better to start the wedding planning early and get things ticked from your master list.

Make Wedding Lists

Speaking of lists, another great way to dump everything from your brain onto paper is to write down lists. These lists don’t have to be very specific or organized at first, because the main goal is to make sure that you’re jotting everything down from the get-go, just to make sure that you don’t forget anything.

Once you start to get ideas, write them down on a piece of paper, where you’re keeping a log of all of your wedding work and ideas. This is going to be a lifesaver for you and as time goes on, and you’re getting things done, you can cut out things that may seem useless or not according to your preference or style.

Plan The Things You Love First

This is a great tip for getting your motivation pumped up at all times. Let’s be real; there are certain things about wedding planning that people love and then, there are things that people dread doing, but they’re still important to get done. So, if you want to make your wedding planning fun, then try to tick off the things first that you enjoy doing.

If you like to decide on the menu first or like to go wedding dress shopping or want to decide on the flavors of the wedding cake, then you can most certainly do these things first. There is no right or wrong way to plan a wedding and you can do whatever you want first.

Reward Yourself

Wedding planning is no joke and getting tasks done, one by one, is not only satisfying, but it’s a huge weight lifted off your shoulders too. So, what better way to celebrate a milestone in wedding planning than to reward yourself? This can be anything your heart desires.

If you’ve gotten done with a crucial part of wedding planning, like deciding on the venue, seating arrangement, or wedding rental packages Damascus MD, you can reward yourself by taking a day off work, and having a spa day, going to your favorite restaurant, watch a movie that you’ve been putting off, etc.

Simple rewards like these will keep you motivated and you won’t get bored or irritated by the tedious wedding planning, before you know it, you’ll be done with the most stressful parts of planning a wedding.

Ask For Help

Wedding planning isn’t something that you can do alone. It’s a good idea to lean on your friends, family, and even your significant other to help you with different things. Wedding planning will only be successful when you work as a team and treat it as a fun time, rather than something you dread doing.

It is going to take a considerable amount of time, but that’s the beauty of planning a wedding. There are going to be ups and downs and having your close friends and family with you, helping you through this will be a lot.

A Wedding Planning Party

This is a great tip if you don’t want wedding planning to feel like a chore. If you’re having your friends help you out with certain things, like the menu, decoration, inspiration for dresses, etc., then one thing that you can do is to have everyone gathered at your home and have a wedding planning party.

This is like a low-key party where you don’t have to plan for anything; it’s just your friends and you gathered around, having a good time and you’re getting wedding planning done at the same time.

Take A Break

Sometimes, people can get swept away in the tedious process of wedding planning. This is why it’s important that you know when to hit pause and take a step back. You need to give yourself and your friends a breather because planning for things non-stop isn’t going to help at all.

If you’ve started early and have everything going at the right pace, then there’s no need to fret. You will eventually get everything done and your wedding will be amazing as well. Just make sure that you don’t lose yourself in the wedding planning process and forget to take care of yourself.

Make It Competitive

If you have a competitive nature and like to challenge yourself often, then you can apply this strategy to wedding planning as well. There are a lot of things you can do while applying this strategy.

The main gist of competition is that you set a goal and a time limit and try to challenge yourself into getting it done in the allocated time. However, it’s good to keep in mind that it’s okay if you don’t get certain things done in time. There are just some things that have their own unique pace and even a competitive person, like yourself, has no control over the situation.

Keep Things Simple

If you don’t want to get burnt out by wedding planning, then one thing that you can do is make things simple. If you’re planning a wedding, then it’s best to keep everything minimal and simple. Sometimes, going extravagant on the wedding planning can turn out to be a huge blunder, and anything and everything can go wrong.

So, try to keep things like decorations, the menu, the venue, the guest list; basically, the entire process very minimal and simple, because it’s going to look just as amazing.


Wedding planning isn’t supposed to be stressful and to make sure that you’re having a good time while planning out the details for your hitch day, it’s important to follow these tips. To keep the planning process easy, work with wedding party rentals Frederick you can trust.

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